How To Start A Blog In South Africa As A Student

Learning How To Start A Blog In South Africa As A Student helps make some extra money without breaking beyond borders.

This article shall serve as a basic guide as a newbie-friendly as it also contains starter tutorials that will teach you niche blogging from scratch, and takes it a step further to show you the types of niches that are most profitable — to help you make money online in South Africa.

SA Scholar, an educational portal in South Africa is there to serve as student guide portal with an online training where people come to learn high in-demand skills and with career guide for choosing the right career for your life.

Would you like to own your own internet empire that makes you an average money to be self dependent in South Africa?

Unlike other blogs in South Africa, SA Scholar seek to produce useful resources to educate and inform the general public on things that are beneficial to make money online and offline as well.

We’ll make sure after reading this post, you should be able to generate more business mindset for your blogging journey you are about to start. Know how to start a blog, where to start a blog and how to manage and make money with a blog in South Africa.

What To Understand About Blogging

There are numerous things you will ever come across about blogging and you may choose to believe some or ignore the odds. In South Africa, blogging has become one of the lucrative jobs you could do and make money online. Starting a blog is easy but managing the blog can be one of the biggest hard work to do, and this article here will help you know what to understand about blogging and its component technical terms attached to it.

What You Will Learn From This Guide

  • Basic Introduction to Blogging
  • Introduction to Niche Blogging Course
  • Choosing a Domain Name
  • Buying a Domain & Hosting
  • Installing WordPress
  • Installing WordPress Themes
  • Setting up Cloudflare (Optional)
  • Important Plugins & Tips
  • Choosing a Profitable Niche

How To Start A Blog In South Africa

Today on SA Scholar, we are ready to provide our fellow readers with the essential guide on How To Start A Blog In South Africa As A Student. Should you encounter any challenge during the process of practicing any guide provided here, kindly leave a comment below and we’ll and join to share ideas.

Now let’s get back to how to start a blog and make money online in South Africa.

Basic Introduction to Blogging
The complete steps that walks you through the whole about blogging, how it started and some of the general terms you would need to understand about blogging.

Introduction to Niche Blogging Course
This educates you about the particular topic you will choose and be able to write your contents about.

How to Pick a Niche

Knowing blogging, what is a blog and how to become a blogger in South Africa is very necessary — but thinking of niche and how to pick a niche in South Africa that can help you make money online while asleep.

Choosing a niche is the best research you can give to your blog and this will depend on your passionate skills you would love to write more about for people to read online.

To pick a niche simply means you are going for a topic that you can talk about even in your free time or not reading anything from a book.

Choosing a Domain Name
This is the part that teaches you what a domain name is, how it works and how to get one for your next South African blog. A Domain name is simply the name or url to use for your blog. For instance,,,, are all domain names that are purchased by organisations or personalities in South Africa.

How To Buy Domain Name And Hosting
At there, you will walk through the practical guide on how to purchase a domain name with your Visa Card online in South Africa. The company that sells domain is called a domain registrar and we’re going to known them and choose the best places you could logon and purchase your domain name in South Africa.

How to Install WordPress
After purchasing your domain name and hosting, the next thing that needs to be done is to install WordPress and setup your South African blog to start publishing.

WordPress has been noted as the easiest to use Content Management System (CMS) on the internet so far, being used by many websites.

How to Install WordPress Themes+
WordPress Themes are templates already designed for WordPress blogs and available in any niche or type of website you will setup.

After installing your WordPress as the software to use and design your webiste or blog, the next thing is to customize it without any coding knowledge. You can do this by installing a theme (Template) to customize to suite your preference.

There are many WordPress templates that can be used for any kind of website you want to setup with demos and necessary plugins.

How to setup Cloudflare on your Blog

Cloudflare is just a Content Delivery Network (CDN) that helps to serve as cache over the internet by hosting your content on the cloud and serve it to your targeted users at a faster rate.

WordPress Tips & Important Plugins

There are a lot of WordPress tips out there for you to learn and own a professional WordPress blog. Plugins are served to help you add various functionality to your blog and run a successful blog in South Africa and make money online.

How To Make Money With A Blog In South Africa

There are several ways one could utilize and make money online from blogging, and here comes some of these ways someone can make money online from a blog. It is always important to keep note that — the amount of money you will make will depend on how you work hard towards the blog.

After contributing to the success of your blog, and generating more traffic, you can make good use of these traffic by finding best monetization program to sign up and join them to make money from your blog.

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